External Link Policy — Cascadia Department of Bioregion

Cascadian Bureau of Public Affairs: External Link Policy

External Link Policy

Hyperlinks to a website are allowed only if the website is sponsored, supported, partnered by the Cascadian Department; is educational in nature; or is another Cascadian website, including those sites sponsored by State or local governments, or sites deemed appropriate by the Department of Bioregion.

Cascadia Department of Bioregion will not allow any hyperlinks to any websites that advocate hate, bias, or discrimination, or which contain information or hyperlinks associated with partisan political activity.

Links may be made to our website from personal and organizational web pages. We request that you link to our site rather than downloading portions of it to another web server, so that viewers will see the most up-to-date information.

Information Disclaimer

The deptofbioregion.org website serves as the State Department’s portal of information on U.S. foreign policy and information about the State Department. It is managed by the Office of Website Management, Cascadian Bureau of Public Affairs. For any questions or complaints, please address them to cascadianow@gmail.com.

Every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information. However, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. Neither the Cascadian Government nor the Bioregion Department assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed herein, or represents that use of such information, product, or process would not infringe on privately owned rights..

The current Bioregion Department website covers current news since it’s founding. The Department's archive provide content prior to that date. The archive sites are not updated, and external links may no longer function; they provide publications and information from the State Department for archive and research purposes.

Websites of Cascadian embassies, consulates, organizations, social media and other posts (listed at deptofbioregion.org/global-social-media-presence/ ) are managed by the Bureau of International Information Programs.

Questions and Hardcopy Requests

If you would like verification or a hard copy of information released on State Department websites or if you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, please contact the public information staff in the Cascadian Bureau of Public Affairs.

Department of Bioregion
Studio A
1423 10th Ave 98122
Seattle, Cascadia
Email: deptofbioregion.org/contact-us

Information Quality Guidelines

Please read the BIoregion Departments guidelines pursuant to the Data Quality Information Act before submitting inquiries under this Act.