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A Data Driven Approach to Healthcare reform, costs and outcomes
Drug Decriminalization
Support for Needle Exchange Programs
Support Safe Injection Facilities
Support for Sex Work Legalization
Paid Leave & Maternity and Paternity Programs
Access to Sexual Education, Services & Support
Access to Preventative Healthcare
Universal Single payer Healthcare Option
Cascadian’s should have adequate health care. However we also take into account that people should have a choice in how they may receive health care. Cascadia supports continuing private medical providers, private doctors, hospitals, and clinics but there should also be the establishment of free health services at the local level for the increased well being of our society. Cascadia supports the will of communities to implement these policies as best serves their own areas, around basic principles. It has been proven that providing basic health support and preventative care is more cost effective than only emergency room care hence. The CIP supports a decentralized universal health system at the state level similar to the Canadian healthcare system, where central tenets will be defined, but which localities can shape and mold to best serve their communities. This system will not infringe on private care and insurance for those who chose it.