Date: 11.14.2019
Attendees: Trevor, Brandon, Jay, Uriah, Matthew, Alex (Remote), David (Remote), Claudia (Pre-Meeting Attendance)
Meeting Opener(s) and Land Recognition: Trevor, David
NEXT WEEK’S MEETING: The first ever Doug-sgiving! Please bring a regional meal, made with local seasonal ingredients bought from a local grocer or farmer’s market, ideally plastic-free and free-trade. Location TBD - check message thread. Digital attendance encouraged. Please note that we have vegetarians and vegans who participate in our meetings. More info to come in the group chat!
Wouldn’t It Be Skookum If…?
Trevor: More songs representing local teams/groups
Brandon: We had a team of 20 people writing about things they cared about from a bioregional/Cascadian perspectives (on our website)
David: We had a service that guaranteed people housing in Cascadia in alignment with their exact needs. Period!
Different cultures providing housing in a way that that addresses their specific cultural needs and identities
Matthew: Establish a “Cascadia time zone” (like Cascadian Time) where we don’t adhere to Daylight Savings Time
Uriah: We had an official alternative to Thanksgiving (Dougsgiving) - Bioregional feasting! (Seasonal guide)
Note: include indigenous elements (lots out there
Jay: We were the touch point for the news in terms of the issues we care about (on the sound bite “short list”)
Alex: We developed guidelines/helped grow regional artists (like Canada does) where there was a % of “required” for Cascadian content makers
Wouldn’t it be skookum if we filled that void
Things to do today:
Brief interviews that are filmed: why we’re Cascadian, what we’re passionate about, why it’s important to do what we’re doing, and why now?
Start with Diplomats but then taking it to the streets!
Ongoing tasks: Outstanding onboarding work (Diplomat bios, blog posts) - Matthew, David
Start on: Dougsgiving Guide (Bioregional Seasonal Feasting) - Jay
Movement pages - Alex
Ideas of things to do:
Needed resource: How to be visibly Cascadian (a guide)
Report back: Cascadian recent election results
Proposed task: Translating “bioregionalism” into other languages
including ASL? -> reaching out to the deaf nation and asking how they would translate it
Note: in French, “region” has a political context. Would a direct translation loose the anti-politically-defined aspect of bioregionalism? (Would “watershedism” translate more accurately?). What about Sasquatchism?