Horizontal & Vertical Gender Parity in Publicly Funded Governance

A constitutional amendment for gender parity for parties, representatives, delegates, candidates or modes of public, or publicly funded governance within the bioregion of Cascadia, as determined and approved by the people of Cascadia, or a democratic body able to represent Cascadia.

Similar to how Tunisia has laid out gender parity in a constitutional amendment - we call for the establishment of the principle and practice of equal representation of men and women across candidate lists and in party offerings (horizontal parity – where women should head 50 per cent of candidate lists), as well as down the candidate lists (vertical parity – alternating men and women through the list), in its electoral law. Using these laws, Tunisia has implemented nearly 47% women representation in local governments, far surpassing the United States and other industrialized nations. In addition to these policies, Cascadian governments should work to ensure representation for gender as people identify, and a proportional space for non-binary, gender fluid and other marginalized or minority group individuals.

Gender Parity Task Force

To help with this task, the creation of a Gender Parity Task Force was established to come up with a clear roadmap, with benchmarks and timeframes, to achieve parity across the system focusing on:

  • Data / setting targets / establishing common definitions of what is being measured / accountability

  • Civic Systems of Representation

  • Special measures

  • Senior Appointments

  • Mission Settings

  • Enabling environment / organizational culture / policies related to work environment

The commitment to achieving system-wide gender parity is underpinned by a strong legislative and institutional framework.