Aaron Carasco

Using A Social Justice Lens to Examine Our Work in the Department of Bioregion

The purpose of this lens is to provide a framework to guide what we do as Diplomats within the Department of Bioregion. Whether the work is posting a blog, creating a project, or leading a round table discussion, it is vital that we are examining that work with a social justice lens. It provides a common language to communicate about our work and ensures we are moving beyond short-term, immediate reaction to long term, thoughtful changes. 

Why is Bioregionalism Important?

Why is Bioregionalism Important?

It’s a question that for many Cascadians is a no-brainer. Taking care of where we live not only feels good, but it’s vital to our survival. We know this. We know about climate change, deforestation, fossil fuels, and other serious and real dangers to our planet, but how can this idea of bioregionalism, help us combat these issues?

Diplomat Introduction - Aaron Carasco

Diplomat Introduction - Aaron Carasco

The Department of Bioregion is proud to include Aaron Carasco in the Diplomat Corps as an Attaché of Education. Aaron is a life-long Cascadian, born in Oregon and currently living in Seattle. He is a Mentor Teacher in the field of Early Childhood Education. Read more to see how Cascadian education is on the raise.