
Happy Cascadia Day! 2019 Roundup in Pictures

Happy Cascadia Day! 2019 Roundup in Pictures

2019 Cascadia Day in pictures! See some of the hundreds of pictures, photos, celebrations from around the bioregion. Every year, we celebrate May 18th as Cascadia Day, a day to celebrate the unique culture and dynamism that makes this region so special. Hundreds of people shared posts, pictures, photos and local businesses, libraries, elected officials and public areas put up displays and gave shout outs.

Cascadia Culture Week Resource Kit

Cascadia Culture Week Resource Kit

Cascadia Culture week is May 17th - May 26th this year. With it comes an opportunity to educate and celebrate our beautiful bioregion. We hope each of you join us in celebrating Cascadia Culture Week, the time before and after Cascadia Day each year in which we celebrate the incredible diversity and culture that make this region so wonderful.

Welcome to Cascadia Culture Week!

Welcome to Cascadia Culture Week!

Cascadia Culture week happens every year the week before and after Cascadia Day. We invite every Cascadian to join with us and celebrate the wonderful and unique culture that makes the Pacific Northwest of North America so special, and to use it as a time to reflect and share with friends. With Culture Week, it comes an opportunity to educate and celebrate our beautiful bioregion.

Cascadia Quest: An Epic Adventure for the Pacific Northwest

Cascadia Quest: An Epic Adventure for the Pacific Northwest

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is excited to share Cascadia Quest, an under construction computer game set in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest, currently in development by Seattle based Ice Fall Games. Slated for release in 2020, it follows the spirit of classic graphic adventure games.

Diplomat Introduction - Aaron Carasco

Diplomat Introduction - Aaron Carasco

The Department of Bioregion is proud to include Aaron Carasco in the Diplomat Corps as an Attaché of Education. Aaron is a life-long Cascadian, born in Oregon and currently living in Seattle. He is a Mentor Teacher in the field of Early Childhood Education. Read more to see how Cascadian education is on the raise.

Bioregional Beers Event to Launch Ecotopia Today: Learning From Cascadia Atlas

Bioregional Beers Event to Launch Ecotopia Today: Learning From Cascadia Atlas

Join Brian Holmes, Howard Silverman, and Mack McFarland for a bioregional beer at The Oregon Public House, 700 NE Dekum St, on Saturday April 6th, at 3:30pm. They’ll discuss the online atlas Learning from Cascadia, as well as the futures of bioregionalism in the Anthropocene and a new interactive mapping tool that we will be launching. All are welcome, the first 15 folks to show up will get a free beer.

First Dept of Bioregion Flag Making Workshop hosted in Laurentia

First Dept of Bioregion Flag Making Workshop hosted in Laurentia

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is proud to announce the completion of our first bioregional flag design workshop held in New York City, in the Laurentia Bioregion of North America. It included with attendees from three different North American bioregions and focused on how bioregional flags differ from national flags, and the importance of symbols that represent place.

Cascadia Solidarity with Carrizo/Comecrudo Earth Defenders as they protest US/Mexico Border Wall

Cascadia Solidarity with Carrizo/Comecrudo Earth Defenders as they protest US/Mexico Border Wall

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is excited to share solidarity with the Carrizo/Comecrudo people and nations as indigenous organizers work to block construction of a wall over traditional territory near the city of Mission in Southern Texas / Northern Mexico.

British Columbia Will Fund Next Phase of Cascadia High Speed Rail

British Columbia Will Fund Next Phase of Cascadia High Speed Rail

The British Columbia Premiere John Hogan met with Washington State Governor Jay Inslee to announce they will contribute $300,000 for the next phase of a study exploring the potential of ultra-high-speed Cascadia corridor transportation service linking British Columbia, Washington and Oregon.

2019 Cascadia Convergence Performer & Workshop Submissions are Open!

2019 Cascadia Convergence Performer & Workshop Submissions are Open!

Cascadia Convergence has announced their submissions for workshops, presentations and performers is now open! They are looking for Cascadians who want to be involved in making the event awesome. Do you have a musical or performance act, a workshop you want to give? Just want to volunteer or take on a leadership role? Let them know!

A Growing Cascadian Identity - British Columbians Identify more with Washingtonians than their Canadian Neighbors

A Growing Cascadian Identity - British Columbians Identify more with Washingtonians than their Canadian Neighbors

A newly released study shows that British Columbians feel a stronger Cascadian affinity to the south than with their eastern Canadian counterparts. In total - 54 percent of British Columbians felt they had the most in common with Washington state, 18 percent picked California while just 15 per cent chose Alberta, 9% percent chose Ontaria, and less than 3% chose Manitoba, Saskatchewan or another Canadian area.

Vol 9, No 1 of The Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Literary Quarterly has been released!

Vol 9, No 1 of The Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Literary Quarterly has been released!

A decade into the 21st century, the world of books, the world of the arts, the world of criticism have all been caught up in violent, unpredictable change. A large part of this change has been unleashed by a continual stream of technological innovations that impact our daily lives and even our personal as well as professional relationships. Technology is changing how we read and what we read, is challenging the very forms and genres in which we write, and is making criticism and reflection more valuable and necessary than it's ever been.

Cascadia V Chagos Island, May 26 - Cascadia Football Team announces first international friendly

Cascadia V Chagos Island, May 26 - Cascadia Football Team announces first international friendly

The Cascadia Football Federation is delighted to announce that they have arranged their first ever international friendly on the 26th May against the Chagos Islands. The game will take place in the U.K. at Beckenham Town FC who we would like to thank for their cooperation in creating this fixture.